Spoken Word-Why do Black women compete with one another?

Why do Black women compete with one another when we were all designed and made uniquely different?  Our curves are not the same, our character is not the same, our physics is not the same, and our intellectual position is not the same. Our destiny is not the same.  Yet, we all compete with one another as if we are shackled together.

 Why must we as women attempt to fit in with other women? Is it our pride or ego that is manipulated into thinking we must compete? It's the burdens on societal rules and stereotypes that have invaded our domain.
We enter relationships thinking on an ordinary level, yet we are not ordinary!  We are a gift created to bare the unthinkable pain and bring forth life. We are caregivers, we are lovers, we are teachers, and yet we still compete. We are sexy, we are alluring, we are ecstasy!  We are the missing rib that unites  the second greatest love that man could receive.  

Why must we want to be ordinary when we are unique? Our lips, eyes, and hips are unique to our creator's sculpted masterpiece.  We are a one of a kind. So why must we compete to be ordinary, when we were created to be a one of a kind masterpiece?

Photo credits on the pictures:Pinterest
So the question remains, why are we as Black women competing with other women when we are all different? 


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