Keeping quiet hurts and it's time to speak out.

Last week, the show Being Mary Jane touched on a very sensitive matter that was perfect timing.  It's a topic that we sometimes dance around because we don't want to be a burden to family and friends.  Keeping quiet hurts inside and out.  It's time to start speaking out and talking to someone about how we feel on the inside.  The silence will kill you if kept bottled up inside while you continue to lie to yourself that you are okay.   It will eat at you day in and day out until you explode.  Coping does not help with your feelings of being rejected, lost, broken, and depressed state of mind,heart, and soul.   

Have you been there?  You put on a facad that everything is okay, but you are lying to yourself, friends, and family.  This is when you have to stop telling yourself that you do not need to talk to anyone.  This is the time to look in the mirror and tell yourself that "You love you" and seek help that will get you out of the state of mind and dark place that you will not admit to being because you are afraid of people judging you.  It's not about being judged and talk about, it's about speaking out for a better you.   Feeling overwhelmed and not loved is okay, you need to talk to someone so that they can give you advice.  Now, someone might say talk to your best friend, a parent, or your pastor.  Those choices are good but when you are feeling lost, broken, rejected, and depressed it's time to talk to a professional who is trained to get you through tough times. 

Prayer and meditating works, but it helps when you are talking to a professional becomes an added plus and better journey to healing and over coming your state of mind.  We can fall down to our knees every night and day talking to God and believing that this is just temporary.  When you find yourself crying, drinking, and staying to yourself then you will need to be proactive in your journey to rising above depression and thoughts of suicide.  Keeping quite hurts and it's time to speak out for help.  Black women staying quiet about how they feel and what they are going through emotionally, mentally, and physically hurts more than it will ever heal. 

When we can come to the conclusion that we are not alone and it's okay to speak out about what we are feeling.  Then a new journey to healing will begin that will rise us above depression and suicidal thoughts.  Crying on the inside screaming to be heard and seen.  We see you my sister and we are ready to hear you.  Sometimes all it takes is for someone to listen to you and how you feel. 

Are you keeping quiet festering a storm?  It's time to speak out and talk to someone who will help you stand.  We all fall each and every day, but it's God's grace and loving mercy that we get up. It just takes one phone call for help.  Visit the change your life will save your life with just one call.  Keeping quiet my sister hurts and it's time to speak out.

photo source:Facebook


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