Words that inspire you to keep moving forward -Inspiring song by Jekalyn Carr - You're Bigger

Take a listen to the song "You're Bigger".  It's encouraging and inspiring words remind you that Jesus is bigger than anything this world can throw at you.  You have to keep your faith and remember who to put your trust in because You're Bigger. What a great way to kick off the month of June, then to be encouraged that any problem or issue you may have that Jesus is bigger.  Those words are powerful! 

Over the last couple weeks, this song has been my motivator and reminders especially when I am at work to remind me you're bigger than your job and the people around you because you were born with a gift.  This song reminds me that my purpose may not be understood by many as I walk this journey.  This song reminds me, motivates me, and inspires me that my passion for what I have discovered inside of me will have a impact on peoples lives that will be informative, inspiring, entertaining, and empowering.  What does this song mean to you? 

When you are feeling down and lost as if every corner you turn you feel as if the world is closing the walls on you.  Just remember that You're Bigger than any problem, any bill, any job, any bill collector, any or any bad relationship.  Are you smiling yet?


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