The Injustice System in America toward Black & Brown men
The current judicial system in America is supposed to be justice for all. However, over the years we have seen injustice to the brown and black men.
Recently, I watched the horrific Netflix series about the young boys from Cental Park. Last night, I watched Oprah Winfrey interview the cast and the exonerated five men who lost years off their childhood for a crime they didn’t commit. Their story was very hard to watch I must admit because I have brothers, nephews, and male cousins. What these young men experienced as a child by a system that was supposed to protect them violated them and their rights in so many ways unimaginable.
I agree with Ava Duvernay that it’s not about holding the persons responsible like the prosecution and police officers accountable , its a judicial system that failed these five kids at the time. It’s truly heart breaking story and my heart goes out to these men and their families. What they had to endure and what they loss can not be replaced by any amount of money.
It’s time for this country to wake up and make changes to an injustice system in order for it to become a true judicial system that is not against imprisonment of black and brown men. It’s time to hold true to the 13th amendment as well as other constitutional rights that is constantly violated.
It’s time we educate ourselves and our children on their rights and how to handle this injustice judicial system. No child should experience what these young men went through. They are not the only ones I am sure their are many more young men sitting behind bars for crimes they didn’t commit.
Did you watch the series on Netflix? What are your thoughts on our current judicial system?
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