The Best of 2014 Top 12 Blog Articles

As this year counts down, Sistah's Place2 had a great year with some hot topics for our audience.  You made these articles the most viewed and listed in order the top 12 for the year thus far.  There is 16 days left in the month of December and we have some interviews with some very talented actor/actress and author's that will post in December over the next  2 half weeks.

If you missed an article, you can catch up to see how and why these made the list of the Best of 2014 Top Blog Articles:
  1. Book Review -Ladies Night by Christian Keyes
  2. Should a woman ask a man out?
  3. Does Celibacy Make the relationship better?
  4. How do you get out of the friend zone?
  5. How to Identify your soul mate?
  6. Learning How to Love Again
  7. Are you a Bitter woman?
  8. Why are You the Other woman?
  9. Domestic Abuse Pt. 1- How many times must you get hit before you walk away?
  10. Are you Inspiring a Black Woman or tearing her down?
  11. 10 Tips for Healthy & Happy Relationship
  12. Have You ever Acted on a Crush?
We love to hear from you on these articles, which article was your favorite?

 As we continue to plan 2015, we are taking our platform to another level so that Sistah's Place2 can spread her wings to offer our audience more blog articles on relationships, inspirational messages, more celebrity interviews, new authors feature interviews, and movie and theater showcase. 

Sistah's Place2 has discovered the passion for bringing inspiring news that entertains and encourages you to follow what is deep within you.  It's up to you to birth your greatness that is longing to be created.  There is greatness within you.  We hope to inspire you to follow your dreams.  Subscribe to our blogs via email so that you don't miss a article. 

Oprah Winfrey said it best

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