Inspiration- What's holding you back from Following your Dreams?

Each day you sit and you dream about your of owning your own business, publishing your first novel, or getting your first acting position. You waited so long to follow your dreams that you thought it was impossible because you hit a few bumps along the journey. Those bumps along the journey of life caused you to defer your dreams.  You keep wishing and wanting to follow your dreams. 

What's holding you back from following your dreams?  What exactly is it that you are afraid of?  Are there too many people in your ear?  Do you think that you are to old to follow what your heart truly desire?  Is there a burning desire that is waking you up in the middle of the night at night?  Many dream chasers are burden with these questions as they struggle to fulfill their dreams. 

Over the years, you have made many sacrifices taking care of your family and friends.  Constantly talking about your dreams and no one is listening or encouraging you to take that leap of faith.  Even thought the journey has been long and hard, you are the only one who can put an end to the struggle.  You cried many nights because you are building someone else dream instead of your own. You go to work every day struggling with "I wish" and "if I could".  You have listened to the naysayers tell you that you are too old to start over.

Better yet, you are listening to some small minded people who only think small.  They think small because they cannot see the big picture.  The vision that God has given to you is bigger than that of a person who can only see small the picture instead of the bigger picture.  Do not try to make them understand you or your dreams because you are not on the same level of vision and destiny.

Besides, God knows how your dreams will unfold and he is just waiting on you to trust in him and to believe in you.  You have to believe in your dreams. You have to believe in the power that is within you.  What's holding you back from following your dreams?  What excuses are you telling yourself? 

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You cannot wait around for someone to give you permission to chase and build your dreams. You are in control.  How can you start today?  By putting your trust in yourself and in God and know that he will guide your footsteps.  Below are a 12 tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with a self-evaluation of yourself and what you want.
  2. Does an inventory check of your circle of friends and family members?
  3. Step out on faith.
  4. Align yourself with influencers doing what you dream to do.
  5. Find a mentor that has already accomplished what you desire to be doing.  
  6. Create a vision board and set goals.
  7. Build your brand.
  8. Take a class or attend a Tele-summit, a seminar or webinar about the field you are interested in learning.
  9. Surround yourself with like-minded people (dream chasers going after their dreams).
  10. Be mindful of who you are and don't lose focus on your dream.
  11. Be determined to invest in you.
  12. Most important be unstoppable following your dream

Change your mindset and you will change your life.  Following your dreams will change your life and leave a legacy!  Remember to encourage yourself, stay prayerful, stay humble, do affirmations daily, and validate yourself.  All dream chasers build and invest in their craft. When you fall get up and start over again. You only fail when you stop getting up.

Are you following your dreams or are you building someone else? Step out on faith and dare to believe in yourself. What's holding you back from following your dreams?


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