April's Book Recommended book list

Welcome to the month of April.  This is the month that everyone spends spring cleaning and gertting ready to clean out from the winter pack rat.  It's spring cleaning at it's best, have you dusted off your book shelf?  Better yet, what are you reading?  Have you started your own library of books that you enjoy reading ?  How about reading something different that is out of your comfort zone?   I continue to add to my Libary and it's timet to buy another book shelf as I build my library of authors that I enjoy reading, spark my interest, or that I am introduced to. 

The author's that made this months list were either interviewed by Sistah's Place Entertainment blog at http://sistahsplace.com/ and books that I have stumbled across from other book clubs. 
Currently reading -Photo Credits Book cover-Deborah Mello
  1. Deborah Fletcher Mello- Guilty Pleasures (current reading)
  2. S. Dodson- Faux Happiness
  3. Marcia King-Gamble- Just You
  4. Shanikqa Canty- Their Vows
  5. Leslie Sherrod- The Man of My Schemes
  6. Tyora Moody- When Women Become Business Owners
  7. Tyora Moody- When Memory Fades
  8. Iris Bolling -Hypnotic
  9. Pat Simmons- Every Women Needs a Praying Man
  10. Sheila Jackson- Where was God?
  11. Brenda Jackson- Possessed by Passion
  12. Trice Hickman- Deadly Satifaction
  13. Keri D. Singleton- The Wanderer's Game
  14. Tumika Cain- When a Man Loves a Woman2
  15. Angie Daniels- Breathless
  16. Dana Sanders Hill- Allegra's Shadow
Book Cover courtsey: Inkscriptions

Is your favorite on the list? 


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