Are you Inspiring Black Woman or Tearing her down?

How can we as black women support one another in our crafts, talents, and gifts? Why do we tear one another down when one is doing something great or exciting?  Why do we not support one another? We are not competing with one another for we were each given unique gifts and talents.  Why is it that we tear one another down behind each other's back and smile in the sister's face pretending to support her ?  Every woman was placed on this earth with a purpose and passion.  We don't all tap into our gifts at the same time, but discovering who you are is the beauty of that journey.

There are other ethnicity's that support and encourage one another, but our culture of black women is not 100% supportive of one another yet. I believe this is a barrier we can break by teaching one another.  For some reason, there is an attitude "Looking out for number one".  To be elevated in this day and age, you will need someone to teach you, show you, mentor you, and guide you.  We are to uplift one another, encourage one another, support one another, and push one another to be better woman.  It's called giving back and passing a positive torch to your fellow sister instead of bitterness because she did something you wanted to do or didn't have the faith to step out and do.  This is where we as sisters can teach each other, but the attitude of "she can't teach me anything" has to be eliminated. 
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I admire several black women that can teach me, mentor me, guide me, and show me how to be a better business woman and successful entrepreneur.  I have read their books, watched webinars, interacted with them on social media, and asked for advice. I called these women influential and inspirational women like Vicki Irvin, Zondra Hughes, Marcie Hill, and Nikki Woods.  Each of these women as I have discovered share their success and how to do with like minded sisters.  Their journey to launching their own businesses and writing books are great testament and examples that I can do anything that I put forth the effort, dedication, time, and energy. These women have inspired me to chase my dreams with great tips, advice, introduction to others that can guide you. I am walking into my purpose. I am sure there will be many more women that will cross my paths and teach me and give guidance.  We all have been assigned a purpose to our lives and it requires us learning, teaching, and servicing others to tap into and get to our purpose.

Let's inspire another black woman today and not tear her down.  Let's learn from one another and let's teach one another how to be great women in business.  Who are you going to inspire today?


  1. This is a great article that I enjoyed reading.

    1. Thank you Jeanee! I am glad you enjoyed reading the article. We have to encourage and support one another. Let's be beautiful black women that inspire one another!

  2. This is a great post! It's so true. We must all support one another :)

  3. Excellent post! We must continue to be an inspiration to other women because some are left behind when others just not having it, and we must grab our young ladies.

    1. Thank you Dorothy! I totally agree with you. Paying it forward by reaching back to our young and reaching forward to young and old. Let's keep the spirit of inspiring young and mature Black women and eliminate the sterotype. Thank you again for your comment!


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