Motivational Monday-Spread Your Wings Dreamers!

Spread your wings and soar high like an eagle into your destiny.  There is no limit to your dreams.  The obstacles that come along the journey will make you stronger and better.  Don't sweat the small things for they are meant to distract you.  Stay focused on what is before you because this is your time to spread your wings dreamers.

Take time to look at your life and ask yourself, Am I where I want to be?  Am I doing what I am truly passionate about? It's time to make a plan, set goals, and create the vision that will get you to your destiny.  Joel Osteen said it best, "Enlarge your vision and make room for the new things God wants to do in your life."  From his quote, we have characterize the Spread your Wing Principles for all the dreamers and dream chasers.
Enlarge Your Vision                           
  • Set Goals and make them clear
  • Evaluate, Examine, Execute
  • Have Faith & Trust God
  • Forgive yourself for your choices and mistakes that didn't work
  • Check Your circle of friends
  • Make & Accept NO excuses for failure
Make Room for New
  • Believe in God's promise
  • Have Purpose
  • Elevate to the next level
  • Surround yourself with likeminded dreamers and visionaries
  • Keep Positive attitude and energy
Remember Denzel Washington said, "Dreams without goals are just dreams that lead to disappointment."  Do you have a plan for your dreams?  Do you have goals set?  It's time to spread your wings and soar into your destiny.


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