Back to School with Greatness!

As summer ends, we prepare to send our children back to a new school year.  It's time to send the children off with a bang.  Let's encourage them to be great and to challenge themselves so that they will showcase their tapped and untapped gifts.  Back to school can be fun and exciting for the students, and parents.  Especially all the parents sending their babies off to Kindergarten for the first time.  Tears will be shed by both parent and child.  This is the first step to letting your baby go! 

I remember sending my daughter off on her first day of school. She was excited because now she get to get on that yellow bus with all the other kids.  She felt like a big kid at the age of 4 years old and I was like most parents feeling this week terrified.  Smile!  Ironically, her teacher was my elementary 5th grade teacher.  I felt a sense of ease because I knew she was in good hands with Mrs. Johnson.  She was the best teacher at my elementary school. 

So, lets send our darlings back to school motivated, prepared, enthusiastic, and excited about a new school year.  Let's send them off with greatness to do greatness.  It's time to shine our bright starts of the future.  Let's remind them how important education is and the value of an education.

What are you doing to get your kids motivated for back to school? Share with us?
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