Why are you the other woman?

The question of the moment, Why are you the other woman?  What's the purpose and the benefits of being the other woman?  It baffles me as to why any woman want to be second to another woman.  I never understood the reasoning or excuses that some women give regarding being the other woman. Are there some special perks to being the other woman?  These are questions for the "Other woman" to think about.

Honestly, I don't see perks to being second to another woman nor do I see the perks in sharing a man that you should want to have all of his undivided attention.  What about the drama that comes with it when the wife or girlfriend finds out about you?  Most importantly, what about that sister's feelings and the affect on the family.  I spoke with a few women who expressed that they don't mind being the other woman because it has benefits and perks.  Here are their top 5 benefits to being the other woman:
  1. He pays her bills it's a financial arrangement.
  2. She sends him home to his wife or girlfriend.
  3. They take exotic trips and getaway weekends.
  4. She satisfies him intimately and she makes him happy.
  5. She is his escape after a long hard day at the office.
Now, real women know that all of that those 5 perks above is a bunch of bull crap.  Let's look at the so called benefits a little closer.
  1. Its' a financial arrangement and nothing is free.  He pays her bills and in return your laying on your back so technically he is paying for a service.
  2. She sends him home to his wife or girlfriend and in return leaving you empty and alone. 
  3. Those exotic trips are most likely business trips and you will never be taken anywhere he takes his wife or girlfriend. You don't have a say so when you don't get his time during holidays and your birthday.  Most likely you can't be seen in public locally with the fear of him running into his wife, family members, or friends. 
  4. She satisfies him intimately and she makes him happy. He is paying your bills and this is your way of thanking him by having sex with him.  Your putting your life on the line if your having unprotected sex with him.  Do you really think he is not having sex with his wife?  You're a lot more naïve than I thought if you think that he is not sleeping with his wife.
  5. She is his escape after a long hard day at the office.  Is that what you call it?  Your his release of frustration and he does not have to worry about you questioning him.
Bottom line, Why be other woman when you can have a man of your own.  Respect yourself and know your worth as a woman.  If you don't respect yourself than how can you ask a man to respect you.  Your real friends would not trust to have you around their man either because you don't value yourself or know your worth.

Question for the men, are there really benefits and perks to have another woman?  What does that say about a man? 

Question for the women, Why would you share another man with another woman?  Is there real value in that type of relationship?


  1. I will start the conversation off today. I cannot fathom sharing a man with another woman unless it's his mother or daughter. But to share a man with another woman, I refuse to be second. If I can't be first than I don't want to be second or last for that matter. There is no value in being the other woman and I don't see how paying your bills for you is of any value because you can get a job and pay your own bills!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we have questions for the men and questions for the women. Let's Go!

  2. I can't say I speak from personal experience but I'll give my 2 cents anyway. There are 2 basic questions which really could go either way for men or women. Why do people cheat and why take part in someone else's affair?

    People usually cheat to fill a need, physical or emotional, a need that cold come from something lacking in their relationship or some other deep seated emotional issues.

    The most common reasons people get involved in affairs is because they believe they've found love (not considering at some point the person who's cheating supposedly loved the person they are cheating on) or just the opposite they are actually trying to avoid emotional intimacy.

    If it's being done for financial reasons, well that's just simple prostitution.

    1. Thanks Wardell! We appreciate the male perspective on this hot topic. I agree with you if women do this for financial reasons, it's simply prostitution.

      Ladies and Gents! We are kicked it off. Let's here from more of you. This does not have to apply to you, but I am sure you know someone who is "the other woman".

  3. These women can't be trusted. Most just trying have or maintain a certain lifestyle .I don't want all that drama. Hiding and sneaking around. Its more to life than sex.

  4. Thank you Dating expert for your feedback on the question. Thanks for sharing your link to an article you wrote about. Ladies, check him out as I have read several of his articles and they are good. It's nice to have a man's perspective on relationships.

  5. Well, I am stomped this week, we yet to have any additional feedback or comments from the ladies on the topic or questions. Share your thoughts as we have 3 men who have given their opinions on this matter.

    Come on ladies! Share your comments, thoughts, responses! Let's interact!

  6. There is more to life then sex...committing to one person is vital to have a lasting relationship. It takes two people on the same page with the same values. Communication is the foundation for all relationships without it ....you're just waiting for the fall. I couldn't be the other woman or accept knowing that my guy had one...I deserve better...I am worth more..I clove me more!

    1. Thank you Felecia! I totally agree with you!

  7. Men that have another woman have one for one of three reasons or all of them (sex, money or control). His ego, confidence and pride was damaged by a woman at some point so he developed a coping mechanism to build up what was damaged. Weak men have other women not strong men. I can't speak on the benefits of the other women but for strong men there is never any benefit to having another woman. A strong man will be focused, persistent and confident in pursuing his woman without ego or pride hindering nor distracting him. Really simple but yet complicated to explain, I think you get where I'm going with it though.


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